Sonntag, 14. Oktober 2012

last day of fall break

October 14, 2012 - the last day of my last fall break for forever (assuming i won't be a teacher in the future). I've already had my last summer break, and now time just seems to be passing by so fast. Only three more months to go and i have to write my final exams, to months later my oral exam and then i will be done with high school. It's really not the easiest thing to realize, and to be honest i think i still haven't realized it yet, even though it has been the on-going topic of so many conversations since my last year of school started.

Today has been an incredibly lazy day, i have spent most of my day watching "The Good Wife" on my laptop, trying to tidy up my room and reading NEON. Then i remembered that i still have some homework to do, which is due tomorrow, so i made myself a really nice chai.
Along with my chai tea some rice waffles and homemade cookies from my mum, some music from "Waters" and there i was, ready to do my homework in a perfect matter.
While flipping through the text i had to read for my art class and marking every third line, i noticed how much i like being a student. Labeling the text, drinking tea and educating myself felt really good. Call me a nerd, but i just love that feeling. Same when walking somewhere, carrying my books in my arms for everyone to see or spending long afternoons at the public library downtown, read through lots and lots of textbooks and preparing a paper for class. There is so much information out there and so many things to learn and experience, it's wonderful. At this moment, i'm pretty sure i will love university life - although i know it's going to be a huge amount of work, it's going to be great.

Right now life doesn't seem that bad.

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