Mittwoch, 23. Januar 2013

this time tomorrow

today i got lost in memories from the last months. i guess i've been reminiscing because i slowly realize that i will be done with school in a few months and everything will start to change.

so i decided to write down some of my most precious moments. starting with my trip to brussels in september.

this was my first and last class trip with my class. since i'm participating in the politics & society program, we went to brussels, the capital of the european union. i've been there once before, but i was 6 or 7 years old, so i didn't really remember anything.

at first we didn't like the idea of going to brussels, mainly because no one of us at heard anything of it. we all knew that it was capital of belgium and that the headquarters of many european institutions were located there, but that was about all.
however, upon arriving at our hostel, most of us were amazed by the city. apparently brussels is like paris, only smaller and less dirty. i can't really say, because i've never been to paris.

during the week, we had quite a schedule. we visited the european parliaments visitors center, where you can learn everything about the european union and it's history, a colonial museum, the offices of the ARD and some other places. in between we had a lot of time to explore the city on our own and hang out.

it was a great trip, since we all got to know each other better and the normal groups of people were mixed up and everyone spent time with each other. before the trip our class was split into many groups of people who didn't really talk to each other.
besides that, it was great to spend some time with my friends. we had a room for three people, which was excellent and many wonderful and hilarious moments together. i know that i will really miss these two girls once we all leave for university or any other places we might go.
view from our hostel
cathédrale saint-michel-et-gundule
this cathedral is so beautiful. it was one of the first things we saw upon arriving at our hostel. you have a beautiful view towards the city center from there.

delicious sushi
me and my friend love love love sushi. so when we saw a nice sushi place we dragged two of our friends along to have sushi. they're were not a amazed as we were, but i think they did like it. in addition we were in such a good mood, we were constantly fooling around outside, making faces, taking funny pictures and many passengers stared at us. there is no better way to relax and take a break from exploring the city all day.

european parliament

after two days i noticed how familiar it felt using the metro in brussels. getting used to public transit is such a great feeling for me. i'm not quite sure why, but i think for me it's my way of realizing that i've arrived somewhere and that i'm getting used to the city. this and many other moments were probably the reason i decided to come back to brussels and live here one day.


besides visiting a ton of places, we also had quite a lot of food..


i remember waiting for these french fries at least half an hour. we got those at the most popular french fries stand of brussels. they only open during lunch time, and every business man/woman is getting their lunch there. therefore the queue was really long. however waiting so long was worth it. plus i got to say my first sentence in french ever. my friend and my history teacher taught me how to order and i was really nervous. after i finally stumbled my order all my friends and my teacher applauded and laughed at me - i know it's weird, but i was really proud. 

another view from the hostel
so many great things happened that week. i still remember buying crackers and cheese and sitting in the park, enjoying our simple meal and the sun. i will never forget how, at the last evening, me and some classmates had the most inspiring talk with my history teacher ever. or how me and my best friend  opened the door to our room for our teachers to check up on us, while being drunk and brushing out teeth. or walking around the european district, imagining myself working there in a couple of years. i'm not ever going to forget this brilliant week. thanks to everyone who made it so special, especially M. & Z.

to end this nostalgic post, here's a clip from the wonderful wes anderson movie "darjeeling limited" featuring the song "this time tomorrow" from the kinks

1 Kommentar:

  1. congratulations on your upcoming graduation and the new adventures that are ahead for you! I am graduating from college in may and can't wait to see what comes next!

    love from NYC,

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